Revival Ministries

Restoring the broken with the love of Christ

Deepen your relationship with
God and your family


The vision of Revival Church is to create a community of mature believers...


“To encourage, guide, and lead people into an active and growing relationship...

Our Beliefs

Belief in the Triune God

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory; creator, upholder, and governor of all.

Belief in the Scriptures

Fully inspired Word of God, infallible rule of faith and practice, without error.

Belief in Jesus Christ

Virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, teachings, substitutionary atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension, intercession, and personal return.

Belief in the Holy Spirit

Convicts, regenerates, sanctifies, empowers for ministry; indwells every believer as helper, teacher, and guide.

Belief in Salvation

All are sinners; God regenerates those who repent and confess Jesus Christ as Lord.

Belief in the Church

Universal body of Christ; baptism and communion as ordained by Jesus Christ.

Belief in the Future

Personal, visible return of Jesus Christ, resurrection, final judgment, eternal blessing of believers, and eternal suffering of non-believers.

Belief in Creation

Created male and female; monogamous marriage as foundation of family and society.


Revival Church basically started with our own family, as we met together and worshipped the Lord, heard the Word of God, and encouraged one another, the Lord blessed us and added many families. Today, we have grown to be a big church family. All glory to Jesus!


Ps. Prakash

Ps. Prakash

Ps. Salome

Ps. Salome

The ministry is shepherded by Ps. Prakash and Ps. Salome, who are graduates (Master of Divinity) from Southern Asia Bible College, Bangalore. Ps. Prakash has varied ministerial experience working among youth, village congregations, people with disabilities, and organizational experience for more than 20+ years. Ps. Salome has committed her life to ministry from a young age, and God has been using her among young girls, women, broken families, and children's ministry for the past 25+ years. Since 2019, as a family, God gave us the burden of starting a Church, wherein the Revival Ministries was birthed.

Service Timings

Church Timings:

Every Sunday:

  • 1st Service: 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
  • 2nd Service: 12:45 PM to 2:00 PM

Communion Service: 1st Sunday of every month

Bible Study: Every Thursday from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Contact Us:

Mobile: +91 8892893233
+91 9972214207


Deenabandhu Colony,
Karwar Road,
Hubli - 580029

Join us for our Sunday services and other weekly gatherings.